Estudiantes Marbe
Plataforma online
En esta sección nuestros estudiantes pueden acceder a los ejercicios y tareas de su correspondiente grupo. Para consultar tu clase, encontrarás tu curso (ID) en la ficha de alumno que recibiste al comenzar el curso.
You read this notice on the home page of a local government website.
We are planning a series of articles about education opportunities for young people and are inviting comments from residents in answer to the following questions:
When young people in your area have completed their education, do they tend to stay living in the same region or move to a new area?
What, in your view, influences their choices about whether to stay or go?
Write an email to the editor of the website, giving your responses and reasons.
Write your email in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.
You see this announcement in an international travel magazine.
Have you had an exciting or unusual holiday?
For example, have you ever sailed anywhere on your own, gone rock climbing or camped anywhere out of the way? We´d like to hear about it! Write us a letter telling us where you went and why, what you did and how you felt about it afterwards. Has it affected you in any way?
We´ll publish the most interesting letters in our next edition.
Write your letter in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.
You see this announcement in an English-language magazine.
How much do you enjoy shopping and why?
Is it better to go shopping alone or with other people?
Where are the best places to shop?
The best articles will be published next month!
Write your article in about 100 words.
You recently visited a museum in your area. Now your teacher has asked you to write a report, describing the sections of the museum that you found the most interesting and saying whether younger students should be encouraged to visit it and why.
Write your report in 140-190 words.
You have seen this advertisement about adventure holidays organised by a travel agency.
Exciting Adventure Holidays in Wales!
Climbing, mountain biking and white-water kayaking
To find the best holiday for you, tell us:
How fit you are
How long you want to stay
Any previous experience of the activities
Accommodation you prefer: hotel or cabin?
Email Chris Barnes for a quote.
Write your email in 140-190 words.
Deadline: 14th February
You recently visited a museum in your area. Now your teacher has asked you to write a report, describing the sections of the museum that you found the most interesting and saying whether younger students should be encouraged to visit it and why.
Write your report in 140-190 words.
You have seen this advertisement about adventure holidays organised by a travel agency.
Exciting Adventure Holidays in Wales!
Climbing, mountain biking and white-water kayaking
To find the best holiday for you, tell us:
How fit you are
How long you want to stay
Any previous experience of the activities
Accommodation you prefer: hotel or cabin?
Email Chris Barnes for a quote.
Write your email in 140-190 words.
Read this part of a letter from an English-speaking friend, Oliver.
When I saw you last summer, you said you were going to change schools. How do you like your new school? How is it different from your old one? Have you made many new friends there?
Please write back soon.
Write your letter in 140-190 words.
Your class has listened to a debate about the importance of competitive sport for young people. You have made the notes below:
Effect of competitive sport on young people
- builds confidence
- creates pressure
- provides enjoyment
Some opinions expressed in the discussion:
"Ive never felt so silly as when I lost a match really badly"
"I find that new challenges give me energy"
"It's no fun when people treat a game very seriously"
Write an essay discussing two of the ways in your notes that sport can affect young people. You should explain which effect is most important, giving reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.
Write your essay in 220-260 words.
You see this announcement on an English-language website.
What kind of things do families and friends celebrate together in your country?
Is there a celebration that you particularly enjoy? What happens at this celebration?
Why do you like it?
We’ll publish the best articles answering these questions.
Write your article in about 100 words.
Read this part of a letter from an English-speaking friend, Oliver.
When I saw you last summer, you said you were going to change schools. How do you like your new school? How is it different from your old one? Have you made many new friends there?
Please write back soon.
Write your letter in 140-190 words.
Your English teacher has asked you to write a report on the parks in your town. Write about where the parks are, what people do in them and suggest ways in which they could be improved.
Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Deadline: 20th February
ID- 167
You see this announcement on an English-language website.
A useful job
What is the most useful job, in your opinion?
Why is it so useful? Would you like to do that job?
The best articles answering these questions will appear on our website!
Write your article in about 100 words.